B.Sc. Degree in Forensic Sciences
B.Sc Forensic Science course is a 4-year professional graduate science course that undertakes the scientific study for the investigation of crimes. The graduate students will be able to usetheir skills and knowledge to evaluate and analyze the crime, crime scene, and the evidences.
Today,RayatBahra University Mohali is the only University in Indiawhich is offering a 4 year graduatecourse in Forensic Sciences which fulfills all the recruitment conditions for Forensic Science Laboratories throughout India and abroad, as well as the eligibility of Forensic Aptitude and Caliber Test and Forensic Aptitude and Caliber Test (J& K) conducted by MHA, Govt. of India.
B.Sc Forensic Science at Rayat Bahra Campus has been designed in such a way that the student willnot only study Forensic Science & Basic Science subjects but also some important allied health science subjects which will surely enhance his capability in solving crimes, and thus boost his/her career prospects.
+12 with any science subject (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or any other science subject)
Career Prospect
Career after B.Sc Forensic Science: The graduate students of Forensic Science can apply for
- UPSC exams
- PSC exams
- SSC exams
- Police recruitments
- Bankrecruitments
- IBrecruitments
- Indian Railwaysrecruitments
- Food Labsrecruitments
- Forensic Science labsrecruitments