Ph.D. Engineering program at Rayat-Bahra University School of Engineering & Technology (USET) which is one of the top B Tech colleges in Chandigarh, engages students at the highest level of scientific inquiry and concurrently providing resources and intellectual rigor of top-class university in the region. USET aims to extend the frontiers of engineering knowledge and attract talented doctoral students. Ph.D. Engineering Students in this program are assessed by the submission of regular progress reports and monitored by progress panels established for every student. Students are also motivated to give seminars, publish findings and undertake laboratory work. Ph.D. Engineering graduates develop analytical skills and leadership qualities necessary for both academia and industry.
The Ph.D. program is of three to six years and can be done on a regular or part-time basis. The course is approved by UGC and Govt. of Punjab.
Ph.D. Engineering Future Prospects
Ph.D. in Engineering from Rayat-Bahra University School of Engineering & Technology the best engineering college in Chandigarh students can look for R&D positions at larger companies or design and development roles at start-ups. As a Ph.D., the student will be going to command a much higher salary. With very less engineering Ph Ds there is a high demand for them in academia and teaching in reputed universities. RBU with Ph.D. engineering emphasizes on off-the-shelf research to create new knowledge and explore future challenges.